Meet Ivo - Planet Rehab Volunteer

Tell us a bit about yourself. Where are you from? What do you do professionally?

I am Ivo, Spanish, art dealer, although I no longer work. 8 years ago I decided to stop working and live here in the jungle (in Bocas del Toro). I currently spend my time conserving this jungle space where I live, planting trees, protecting animals and any activity dedicated to spreading veganism and nature conservation.

How and when did you get involved with Planet Rehab?

Coincidentally, I met Gary in 2022 through the rescue of a pig, Chito, who has been here safely with me ever since. Since I met Gary, I have collaborated in several Planet Rehab actions.

What is your favorite show that Planet Rehab is working on and why?

The survival program for indigenous communities (Native Food Survival Kits). It is a very nice program that brings these communities closer to nature again, and understands that the life and freedom of all animals must be respected.

What motivates and inspires you to “be part of the solution”?

We must leave this planet better than how we received it, and that inspires me to strive every day to not be a burden on our mother earth.

What is something that not everyone knows about you?

Well, I think many already know, my great wish is that all humans respect the life and freedom of all animals. If I had to make a wish, without a doubt it would only be one, that all humans would be vegan.


